Natural Dyes

I am in love with this yellow that yellow onion skins gave me.  I have one more bit of wool still in the pot because I’m experimenting with how long the wool gets left in the dye pot and color intensity.  This batch sat for around 40 minutes.  I also dyed a bit with some Darjeeling tea and it gave me a very nice subtle pinkish tan.

Onion Dyed & Tea Dyed wool

I’ve had awesome mail days this week. Monday I received a sweater from Aardvart (who makes really awesome fused glass and resin jewelry) and today I got a box of felted sweater scraps from Kaboogie (who makes adorable little baby shoes).  Thanks so much you two!!

A sweater from AardvArtFelted Sweater Scraps from kaboogie

Paper Kitty Turns One & A big update

One year ago today, I took the plunge into the blog world.  I just want to thank everyone who keeps up with my little blog…. Thanks Readers!!

On to the big update 😀

The last week or so has been a whirlwind for me.  

Thursday (17th) I spent the evening having dinner with my granpa at my mom’s house.  It was such a nice visit that ended with picking blackberries in the front yard.  I’ve always loved walking with my grandpa because he knows so much about the local plants and loves to share that knoweledge.

Friday was spent at a very busy day of work followed by attending a gallery reception at the Appalachian Arts Center. I bought some lovely handspun yarn from local sheep and an excellent little cup that I’m in love with drinking from.  Then my hubby and I decided to paint the computer room so we were up late discovering that the paint just didn’t want to cover the old paint. We painted it a really pretty deep red. The color swatch says tomato but it is much darker than that.

Saturday was a lot more painting and moving furniture.

Sunday I took a trip to my LYS – A Likely Yarn –  with my friend who was teaching there.  I went not only to buy yarn and hang out but to also find out if I would be the right person to start working there.  😀 

Monday was I was really busy at work. 

Tuesday I was busy at work again.  Several family members came in to visit while I was at work  As soon as I left work I drove to a staff meeting at the LYS.  The staff meeting was great, lots of creativity flowing and I’m now going to be teaching. My first class is Beginning Crochet on August 24 & September 7.   

Wednesday, I was contacted by a book company about three projects that I submitted to them for a book they are writing about green bookbinding methods… all three projects were accepted.   I’m so excited!!!  Shampooed carpets that evening.

Thursday I feverishly bound books in preparation of sending my projects to the book company and started the quest for finding wool sweaters to use on books that will be going to the book company.  Mopping & laundry.

Friday I did much of the same with a lot more house cleaning and pre-Saturday-dinner cooking.  I made homemade marshmallows.

Homemade Marshmallows

Saturday was my first day at A Likely Yarn.  It went wonderfully.  I helped build shelves, rearranged things in the shop, helped customers with patterns, knit, crochet, and spent the day with a wonderful group of women.  I also worked on developing a simple pattern that my beginning crochet class will be making.  Saturday night we had friends over for dinner, great music, laughs, and wool dying. 

Kool Aid Dyed Roving

Sunday, I was at the shop again and had dinner with my friend.  I came home and spun some of my newly dyed wool.  Sunday was a big Etsy day for me too, gift guides, treasuries, sales, and a contact about a custom order.  Now if I could only get on the ever elusive front page.

Yesterday, I spun up a batt that I bought from Knitty Dirty Girl on my drop spindle, made dinner, attended the Etsy Labs Craft Night on shrinking plastic (which was cut short by a storm), and mostly sat around taking it easy. I’ll add a photo of the spun yarn later tonight.  I also finished up (for the most part) the project my beginning crochet class will be making and did a few example swatches.

Today, I will be making more books… many many more books.

Shoo… that was a lot to type out!  I hope you’re still with me, LOL.


I’m in the gift guides & 2 treasuries on Etsy!


My Embryo book is on the 3 row, 2nd book.



My yellow polka dot book is in both of the treasuries.

I’ve had such an excellent super awesome amazing week…. but I’m too pooped to write about it so I’ll have to get to that tomorrow.

I need your help

I need several 100% wool sweaters.  It doesn’t matter what color or size the sweater is.  It can be an adult sweater or a child’s sweater just as long as it is 100% wool.  I’ll take anything as long as it is not completely riddled with holes.  Some holes will be fine, I can work around them.  I’m hoping to get at least 5.  I can’t tell you at the moment what I need them for; just know that it is for something awesome.

If you have a 100% wool sweater that you need to get rid of please email me:  paperkittyblog [at] and we can discuss it.

I Need Your Wool Sweaters

Exciting New Things In Life

I have a cool new job!  I’m working part-time at A Likely Yarn in Abingdon, VA.  Saturday will be my first day 😀  I’m so excited.  I’m scheduled to teach a beginning crochet class at the end of August.  I’m super excited about it!!  I’ve never formally taught before.  Also, I’m going to be working with a wonderful group of women.  The shop has a blog so you should check it out.  A Likely Yarn Blog

I’ve started the February Lady Sweater (Ravelry link) this week.  I’m loving it so far.  I’m making it in a really pretty green similar to the color on the pattern.  I’m using lambs pride worsted weight yarn to make it.  This is my first full-size sweater project.

Me & the hubby painted our computer room this past weekend.  It’s a deep red.  The paint sample called it tomato but it is definitely darker than any tomato I’ve seen.  Our room feels so cozy now.

Pumpkins & Tomatoes

I snapped a few photos of my growing plants this morning.  My pumpkin plant’s blooms were fully open this morning.

Pumpkin Blooms & The Bees

The plant has taken over part of the front yard.

When Pumpkins Attack

Snuggies meowed at me through the window the entire time I was outside.


My tomato plant has lots of blooms

Tomato Blooms

This is my oregano plant, given to me by my friend Jean. I snapped this photo and didn’t know until I loaded it on my computer that there is a green grasshopper hanging out on the blooms. Sly little guy.

Oregano & the Grasshopper