I’ve been giddy all day

Why you ask?

This morning I received a call from my friend and former teacher inviting me on a trip to New York mid March. I’m so super happy! My husband has agreed to go with me and my boss was kind enough to give me the time off even though it is right in the middle of tax season. I haven’t been able to stop smiling all evening! I haven’t been to NYC in over 10 years. We’re taking a train up and back so it will be my first train trip. My hubby has never been to NYC so I’m excited that he’s going! We’ll be doing guided tours in the mornings but the evenings we’re free to roam the city. I’m hoping to stop by the Etsy headquarters, go to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and eat at an excellent Italian restaurant. Any NYC natives or frequent visitors care to recommend an Italian restaurant?? Hubby wants to see Time Square and hit all the touristy places.

Tomorrow I’ll be spending the day in my pajamas with my family. We’re having a pajama themed Thanksgiving by the request of my 11 year old niece. I’m looking forward to good food & board games!  I made a Turtle Pumpkin Pie, Four Bean Casserole, 2 Cheese Balls, and stuffing.

Last Thursday, I started Project 365. Head on over to my Flickr to follow along with me.

Sun Up!

This book was what my kindergarten class read. I’ve finally found a copy of it! I love Buffy & Mack!!

2/365 Sun Up

Here’s a couple of photos of my birthday pressies.

Beautiful roses from my hubby:

Roses from my hubby

Fibery goodness from my mom:

Fibery Goodness from mom

And snow from the heavens above, LOL:

Super snowy day 11-21-08

Ok, so the snow wasn’t actually a gift for me but I did wish for it earlier in the week.

Christmas is just around the corner

At the beginning of fall, I was offered an awesome commission job that I quickly jumped on. A local lady has been hanging on to these hand pieced crazy quilt stockings & vests that her mother was making for each child/grandchild/great-grandchild in the family. She sadly died over 10 years ago before completing them. She was also someone who did handcrafts for a living.

I have been working like crazy to get them done. There are 7 stockings and 2 vests. Each stocking takes about 6 hours to embroider. I’m going to begin assembling them today. I haven’t begun the 2 vests yet but I should have them embroidered by late next week. My goal is to have all of them finished by the beginning of December.

It snowed this week and local radio stations have begun playing Christmas music which has helped with my holiday spirit.
First Big Snow 11-18-08
I just hope that I’m not all Christmas’ed out before December even gets here.

Here are some photos of the in-progress stockings (click to see more detailed photos on my Flickr):

My creation

And as always, Zoe had to crash my photo shoot.

Yes We Did!

Obama Wins!!

Since the 1968 election, Virginia has been a red state. Even though my county is still very republican, it didn’t hinder Virginia becoming a blue state in the end. I’m so excited that I was able to be a part of the grassroots campaign for Obama & that I was able to hear him speak locally.

One thing that made me a little sad is that my county has a population of 44,598 but only 16,913 voted and of those voters only 5,592 voted Democrat.