A Likely Yarn on WCYB

Yesterday, a local reporter dropped by and did an interview with our owner and recorded a few clips around the shop and we were on the 6 o’clock and 11 o’clock news. The clip includes interviews with another shop in Johnson City.

The link is here, but I don’t know how long the video will be available.

Here’s a screen shot of me from the video. I’m teaching a toe-up sock class.

Me On the news 1-18-11

Resolution of 2011

I will only take on what I’m capable of finishing without stress. I will learn to delegate and ask for help when needed. I will turn down offers and requests if I do not have the time or energy.

I will learn to have fun again.

I will relax and take time for the things I want to do in life.

2011, Bring It On – I’m ready.